Experience the Benefits of Natural Therapies

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Constitutional Hydrotherapy

Constitutional hydrotherapy is a soothing treatment that utilizes a technique involving warm and cool towels applied to both the front and back of your torso. This, along with the use of physiotherapy devices, helps bring about positive changes in your body while also having a systemic impact on digestion and detoxification pathways.


Cupping therapy is a friendly alternative medicine technique that involves placing heated cups on the skin to create a soothing suction.

Power Plate

The Power Plate sends gentle vibrations through your body, and these tiny vibrations activate more muscles, helping you burn more calories and improve your circulation. The flow of these tiny vibrations through your body also enhances the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to your cells, supporting their proper functioning.

EWOT (Exercise with Oxygen)

EWOT stands for Exercise With Oxygen Therapy which involves breathing in ample amounts of oxygen while exercising. This therapy is designed to assist and enhance proper cellular respiration. Give your body a boost with oxygen therapy during exercise to promote efficient respiration and maintain overall wellness.

Ionic Footbath

An ionic foot bath is a relaxing treatment that combines water, salt, and a gentle electrical current to create charged ionic energy. This energy aids in detoxification and promotes a sense of well-being. You'll enjoy a soothing 30-minute session while the water in the bath magically changes color.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

Schedule a natural therapy at Upper Peninsula Natural Wellness today. Our office hours are Monday & Thursday 8:00am - 4:30 CST.